Ms. Register's Science and Religion Blog

Monday, November 14, 2011

Veteran's Day cards

November 14-18, 2011

Test on Cell packet Wednesday. We always end this unit with an edible cell project. My plans were to do this on Thursday. I just can't find it in me to "sugar" them up and send them off to take a Math test and Social Studies. Therefore, on Thursday they will get with their group and plan their shopping list. Each group member will be responsible for a few items to share so everyone doesn't have to purchase all of the materials. Shopping can be done over the holiday and we will do the project on the Wednesday after the holidays.

This week we will work on Grandparent's Day gifts and a Thanksgiving craft for the family.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving break. I am most thankful this year to have such wonderful children to work with each day. =)

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7-11,2011

This week we will finish up notes in the cell packet. Test on these notes is scheduled for Wednesday, November 16, 2011. Vocabulary and labeling parts of the cell will not be tested again. Students should pay close attention during in class review sessions. Homework each night this week is to study the notes.

This week we will learn about Veteran's Day and make thank you cards to mail to our Veterans.