Ms. Register's Science and Religion Blog

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Field Trip

Our field trip to Houmas House is scheduled for Thursday, April 15. This does not conflict with Terra Nova testing. The lower grades begin on the 15, we begin on the 16th.

Permission slips for my homeroom are due no later than this Friday. Chaperones may send their $10 payment or may choose to pay at the door that day. If you already volunteered to chaperone and did not know you could send payment in advance, it is not too late. Also, chaperones need to remember that they must provide their own transporation (carpool) and that they should bring a bag lunch if they want to picnic.

Please contact any 5th grade teacher if you have any further questions about the field trip.


Science test is tomorrow. After much reviewing in class and many hints given I am confident all will do well.

English Vocabulary Unit 11 test is Friday. Remember the format has changed. Students must be able to spell all words and write a sentence with three words chosen by me.

English Vocabulary Unit 12 test is next Friday, March 26.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

English Class

For the fourth nine weeks we are going to change up the format of vocabulary tests. In class we will complete and check the units in the book. The tests will now focus on spelling. Students will be required to spell all twelve words and to be able to write a good, fifth grade sentence demonstrating knowledge of meaning for three words, chosen by me. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.

Science Presentations

Science presentations this week were great. The students really got into this project and I loved seeing all of their creativity coming to life in front of the class. Thanks to everyone for their hard work on this assignment!

Science Night

Thanks to all who attended Science Night last week. I hope you all had as much fun as we did!!